It has been reported in the media that the 'Me' brand is being dropped from Xiaomi. This move has been signaled recently by the launch of the company's new product Xiaomi Mix-4. Earlier this month, the Xiaomi MIX 4 was launched in the Chinese market, but it did not carry the 'Me' brand.
All steps are underway to make the process fully operational, Xiaomi said. The company claimed that the 'Mi' brand was dropped as an important step as Xiaomi's products will be marketed exclusively without any associated brands in the future.
Xiaomi's spokesperson told The Verge, 'From the third quarter of 2021, the name of Xiaomi's 'Me' series will be changed to 'Xiaomi'. This change will unify our global brand presentation and reduce misunderstandings between brand and product. However, it may take some time to implement changes in all regions.
Even if 'Me' is dropped, the 'Redmi' brand remains. As usual, there will be relatively low-cost smartphones in the Redmi series. And high configuration smartphones will be under Xiaomi's own brand. According to the company, Xiaomi's products offer a 'premium' experience alongside the best technology. And Redmi will determine the price of relatively young phones in that way.
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