Suman Kumar Nitai, Personal Correspondent: Mahbubur Rashid Tota has joined Mansoor Hussain Degree College in Nandigram, Bogra as the new principal. Previously, he was working as a vice-principal at Pirab United Degree College, Shibganj Upazila, Bogra.
He joined Nandigram Munsur Hossain Degree College as the new principal on Thursday (February 8).
Kamrul Hasan Sabuj, president of the governing body of the college was present. Teacher Mokchedul Momin, Teacher Representative Atahar Ali, Governing Body Member Alahaj Abdur Razzaq, Abu Bakkar Siddique, Golam Mostafa etc.
Later, at 12:30 PM, Acting Principal Manju-Ara Begum handed over the responsibility to the new Principal Mahbubur Rashid Tota.