Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has directed to spend the entire amount of Tk 15 crore on the health sector for the health care of the common people instead of the money allocated for buying a car for the Prime Minister's office every fiscal year.
Prime Minister's Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim Ihsanul Karim told the media that in the financial year 2021-2022, an allocation of Tk 15 crore was given in favor of the Prime Minister's office for the purchase of motor vehicles, and on the instructions of the Prime Minister, that money has been approved to be spent on health services.
Prime Minister's Press Secretary said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is giving the most importance to people's health in the current Covid-19 situation. Following this, the Prime Minister ordered to cancel the purchase of a car for his own office and spend the money on health care.
The Director General (Administration) of the Prime Minister's Office has given a letter to the concerned parties to implement this directive of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Ahsan Kibria Siddiqui. Ahsan Kibria Siddiqui said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has set an example of frugality by spending Tk 15 crore for the purchase of a car for the Prime Minister's office.
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