Suman Kumar Nitai, Own Correspondent: SI Kajal Kumar of Rajshahi Rajpara police station has been selected as the best police officer for his important role in solving the mystery of clueless case, drug recovery, control of law and order, arms recovery, drug, convicted accused, warrant tamil and arrest. Nandi
On Sunday (February 11) at 11 a.m., SI Kajal Kumar Nandi received the memento as the best sub-inspector in the monthly meeting of January 2024 from Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) Commissioner Biblab Vijay Talukdar and Additional Police Commissioner Rashidul Hasan in the meeting room of RMP office.
Kajal Kumar Nandi expressed his feelings to this reporter after receiving the memento and told this reporter that honorable Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) Commissioner Biplab Vijay Talukder is responsible for solving the mystery of clueless case, drug recovery, law and order control, weapons recovery, drugs, convicted accused, warrant tamil and arrest. The best sub-inspector was chosen and given a memento for playing an important role.